Anti-Transit, Anti-Rider Parking Measure Submitted, Likely to Qualify

July 10th, 2007

Don’t even think of parking hereA measure to require big increases in parking in new developments has been submitted for the ballot and is likely to qualify. If this measure passes, it will be terrible for transit riders, causing massive new traffic congestion. Stay tuned for how you can help defeat it!

Don’t Sign the Anti-Transit Parking Petition!

July 3rd, 2007

Don’t even think of parking hereToday’s Examiner profiles the horribly anti-transit “Parking for Neighborhoods Initiative”, sponsored by the Council of District Merchants (your hard earned local spending at work!) and funded by big garage builders, that would require every new residential unit to have a parking space throughout SF, and allow property owners to build at least one parking space regardless of bus stops, bicycle lanes or trees that may be in the way, even in highly transit served corridors like downtown.

This would lead to huge increases in traffic and massive Muni delays – as if there weren’t enough already! Don’t sign it.

N-Judah Returns To Caltrain; Better Service? Or Same Old?

July 2nd, 2007

N JudahToday’s Chronicle quotes a Caltrain commuter on the N: “It’s like I woke up and the nightmare was over.” Meanwhile the K and T lines are through-routed, as planned long ago for the Third Street line, and the new 20-Columbus is running to North Beach.

Is service better? Check Nextbus before you ride, and let us know what you think.