Yes on A / No on H Campaign Launches

September 14th, 2007

The Transit Not Traffic campaign, led by SPUR and many other community groups supporting better public transit, has launched. This campaign supports Proposition A (Muni Re-Reform), which would dedicate additional funding to Muni and improve many work rules that today make it very difficult to improve service reliability, and opposes Proposition H, the so-called “Parking For Neighborhoods” initiative that would dramatically increase parking downtown and allow new parking spaces and garages to block Muni lines and remove street trees citywide. If you agree that better transit should be SF’s priority and not huge increases in auto traffic, get involved! (Comment here or sign up at SPUR’s page.)

State Senate Passes Bill Approving Bus Mounted Cameras

September 11th, 2007

Bus cameras (border)The State Senate approved a bill that would allow SF and other municipalities to mount bus lane cameras on vehicles to crack down on double parkers. In London, such a system has led to a 92 percent drop in double parking violations that block buses. Rescue Muni urges the Governor to sign the bill immediately, and urges Muni and other transit systems to install such cameras asap!

Update: The Examiner covered this story as well.