Metro Committee Agenda

Wednesday, October 10, 2001, 6:00 PM
at SPUR, 312 Sutter, Fifth Floor


6:00 Introductions, Agenda Additions, Minutes Approval, Announcements
6:10 Status of previous resolutions
6:40 Need for Ticket agents for Metro?
7:00 New business
7:30 Adjournment, Next Metro Committee meeting Wed Nov. 14, 2001
There was no meeting in September. The chair will have to miss the
November meeting as scheduled.

August Minutes

Present: Vartanoff, Carlson,Downey, Strassner, Blosser and West
1. We will summarize all of our open issues with Muni and try to set up
another meeting with Lisa and others at SPUR or 401 Van Ness.
2. We reiterated our request that monitors be placed near agent booths
and in the stations to let riders know the status of trains. This may
induce more riders to wait for the S Shuttle and reduce loading on
other lines.
3. We discussed using the cross-overs at Holloway as originally intended,
to have an out going two car M become a single car outbound J‚
continuing Balboa to become an inbound J with the other car joing up
with a J to become part of an inbound two car M. This was dropped
because it appears that the two car service is necessary all the way to
4. David will rephrase and clarify our old position to improve safety for
riders leaving the M near Balboa.
5. Currently Muni runs the 28 Limited as a California Street turnback. We
recommend that the 28 Limited run as a local from Daly City BART to
Holloway and than as a Limited to California and then as a local to Fort
Mason, for now. SExCom is planning other changes to the 28. The 28 Local
should run from Holloway to California. This will give the longest run
riders the best chance for a fast run. The Local should be scheduled to
get to the end of the run just before the Limited to accommodate the
transfer of those local riders who want to go on.
6. We discussed the safety needs of kids at the Aptos K stop. We will
remind Muni and DPT of our concerns and check which rules apply - all
cars stop or just slow.
7. We discussed the ideal method for Metro turnbacks to avoid bunching
and bring a car back to schedule: When the second car catches up to the
first car, at a turnback location, the driver and passengers from the
second car should move up to the first car while the driver from the
first car goes to the second car to turn it back. There will probably be
fewer passengers in the second car ad they will be pleased to jump ahead.
The riders in the first car will not mind keeping their seats while they
wait a moment.

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Andrew Sullivan.
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Last updated 10/8/2001.